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Global Forum on Migration Development

UKFCP participated in the Global Forum on Migration Development

The event was organised by the United Nations Development Programme and UN International Organization for Migration at the Global Forum on Migration Development (GFMD) on 19th January. Members had the chance to hear from global diaspora leaders and organisations, government ocials, UNDP, IOM, humanitarian aiders and academia about how diaspora organisations have contributed to the COVID-19 responses in their respective countries of origin and also shared what they had learned about how to harness various diaspora contributions.

Speakers included Mr. Luca Renda, Head, Recovery Solutions and Human Mobility Team, UNDP, Ms. Cécile Riallant, Head, Migration and Sustainable Development Unit, IOM Panellists, Ms. Fawziya Abikar Nur, Minister of Health & Human Services, Federal Republic of Somalia, Ms. Valentina Casian, Mayor, Straseni, Republic of Moldova, Mr. Peter Kwok, Chair, Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC), and Ms. Kathleen Newland, Senior Fellow and Co-founder, Migration Policy Institute

In addition to an opening address by David Khoudour (Regional Migration Advisor at UNDP), the moderators and panelists, Undersecretary Astravel Pimental-Naik, Commission on Filipinos Overseas and Oleg Chirita, Head of Programme, ICMPD, and foreign oces of dierent governments also participated in the sharing and discussion during the event.

As Chair of GDC, Peter shared examples of good practices of diaspora organisations combating Covid-19 across the world. As he is also our chair at UKFCP, he also shared an example of successful collaboration between Scottish Government, Police Scotland, communities and Scottish Chinese Professionals (SCP) through introducing third party reporting for East and Southeast Asian communities. The community engagement meeting led by the Deputy Mayor of London participated by London Chinese Professionals.

(LCP) was also mentioned in reply to the question on the ingredients required for building mutual trust at this challenging time.


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