Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.
SCP Third Party Reporting Centre
Welcome to Our Reporting Centre
With the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic in East Asia, the intensification of racial discrimination and the need for public medical renewal have led to tension among some Chinese-English groups. Therefore, in March this year, the Scottish Chinese Professionals (SCP) responded to the situation and established a third-party assisting centre to provide non-emergency relief in order to create a safer community environment for Scottish Chinese affected by the pandemic.
Why use SCP Third Party
Reporting Centre?
Safeguarding our communities across Scotland with an understanding in Chinese languages and culture
In some cases, victims and witnesses who have experienced "Hate Crime" are reluctant to report directly to the local police and prefer to report the incident to someone with a similar language and cultural background and more relevantly for us, Chinese. As Police Scotland's first Chinese third-party reporting centre covering the entire Scotland, our duty representatives can assist victims or witnesses to submit their testimony or report to the police on their behalf.
Contact us if you wish to us to make a record, report on your behalf or share your concern about your unpleasant experience
Contact us by email:
Contact us by phone:
+44 (0) 792 88 13426
(9am - 5pm)

Our Centre Partners
Police Scotland
'I would urge everyone to continue to work together, ensuring that no person or group in Scotland feels marginalised or isolated,'
Gary Ritchie, Assistant Chief Constable of Police Scotland

Cohesive Communities
The Government's Safer and Stronger Strategic Objective is to help local communities to flourish, becoming stronger, safer places to live, offering improved opportunities and a better quality of life.
Connected Communities Unit, Scottish Government