Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.

Jose Aranas
Tell Us What Happened?
I was having a cigarette and two women came up and asked me for one. I was smoking my last one so I said 'sorry this is my last one'. They proceed to ask for a toke of my already lit cigarette. I decline as I didn't want to share my cigarette with a bunch of strangers that were clearly junkies. I'm not one to discriminate but the way they talked and moved clearly shows they were junkies. Anyway they got angry and started calling me racial slurs and said I should go back to my country which is China apparently. They were very rude just because I didn't share a cigarette with them.
Help Needed from us
It would be nice for people not to resort in racial slurs and rudeness towards my ethnicity when they have a problem.
Serious 严重
How serious: